This weekend, try this:

Get some cinnamon-raisin bread (or make your own).

Combine some milk and a couple eggs.

Add some vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar.

That's homemade vanilla, honestly. Though if it were vodka, we'd have to use it up quickly before it went bad.
Dredge thick slices of the bread in the egg mixture and saute in butter until toasty and delicious.

Eat with cinnamon-sugar, maple syrup, strawberry whipped cream, coffee, orange juice, and the people you love.

(Eat them in the company of the people you love, don't eat the people you love. Just thought I'd make sure that was clear. We don't condone cannibalism in this house.)

Better-than-Cannibalism Cinnamon-Raisin French Toast
6 slices cinnamon-raisin bread
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
Vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar, to taste
Butter, for sauteing
Cinnamon-sugar, maple syrup, and/or whipped cream, for serving
Combine milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar. Heat butter in saute pan. Dredge bread in mixture and saute in butter, flipping after 3-4 minutes. Saute other side. Serve with assorted deliciousnesses.
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